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Instruction: Language of the Computer II- Instruction Representation
Tuesday 13 December 2016 • 20:06 • 0 comments

First and foremost...

What is machine language?
Machine language is a programming language that can be directly understood and obeyed by a machine (computer) without conversion (translation) Read more here :)

Hierarchical View

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Machine Language

Machine language instructions are of four types: Arithmetic, Logical, Data transfer, and Branches (also called flow control), as follows:
  • Arithmeticadd (addition), sub (subtraction), mult (multiplication), div (division)
  • Logical: andorsrl (shift right logical), ssl (shift left logical)
  • Data Transferlw (load word), sw (store word), lui (load upper immediate)
  • Branches:

    • Conditional: beq (branch on equal), bne (branch on not-equal), slt (set on less-than),

    • Unconditional: j (jump), jr (jump register), jal (jump-and-link)
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Important Note. MIPS has several register conventions that you should know, which are summarized in the following table. These conventions will be observed as we progress toward more involved MIPS programs
MIPS Adressing mode:

MIPS instructions have three different formats:

R format - Arithmetic instructions

Example 1:  add

Important Note. MIPS has several register conventions that you should know, which are summarized in the following table.

Example 2: sub

I format - Branch, transfer, and immediate instructions

Example 1- addi

J format - Jump instructions


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